3 Important Facts About Bioproducts
“3 Important Facts About Bioproducts” Before we start, it's important to address what exactly a bioproduct is, it can be best defined as a product that comes from renewable resources such as waste or crops. The word bioproduct can be seen as a blanket term. There are so many different and specialized areas of bioproducts such as biodiesel, biomass, and bioplastics. I’ll provide three main points about bioproducts such as what are some examples, processes that make them, and how sustainable they are. Firstly, what are some bioproducts in our everyday lives? MSG is something that many consume as it is often found in Chinese food, canned food, and meats that have been processed. While this isn't a brand name, isopropyl alcohol can be found at the store in different concentrations and is used in hand sanitizers and cleaners (Lesson 19). Ethanol is mixed with gas and can be used for heating and transportation purposes and is sourced from corn and wheat (Ontario). Next, we will di...